Project Name: Development of inelastic design curves for seismic design of concrete piles in sand. “DST fast-track scheme for young scientists by SERB division”.
Project No./Date: No.SR/FTP/ETA-130/2010
Sanctioning Agency: DST, SERB Division
Name of PI/Co-Investigator: Dr. P. K. Emani (PI)
Cost (Rs in Lakh)/Duration: 9.01 lakh
Date of Completion: On-going
Objectives: To develop design curves for seismic design of concrete piles in liquefying soils.
Major Activities:
- Simulation of pile behavior under liquefying soil conditions
- Performing a parametric study on the design parameters
- Summarizing the results in designer-friendly charts and graphs
Project Name: Seismic behavior of large pile groups in liquefying soils using parallel processing methods. “BRNS scheme of BARC, Department of Atomic Energy (DAE)”, Govt. of India.
Project No./Date: 2012/36/49/BRNS- 2977
Sanctioning Agency: BRNS, DAE
Name of PI/Co-Investigator: Dr. P. K. Emani & Dr. Ankush Mittal (Co-PI)
Cost (Rs in Lakh)/Duration: 24.35 lakh
Date of Completion: On-going
Objectives: To study the behavior of ‘large’ pile groups with
Major Activities:
- Simulation of pile behavior under liquefying soil conditions
- Numerical Modeling of large pile group